Computer consists of electronic circuits, prined circuits and integrated circuits. these are very fast and consume very little energy. For example digital watches, Calculaters, computer etc. these computers are of the following two types.
a) General Purpose computers.
b) Special Purpose computers.
a.General Purpose Computers:
Such Computers can perform a variet of different functions such as typing a latter . file managemant, data-base-managemant, payroll processing, graphics etc. Personal computer (PC) is a general purpose computer.
b. Special Purpose Computers:
These computers are designed to carry out one specific task. Such computers were not used for other purpose except for the designed one. for example watches, Cameras, TVs and VCRs have such types of computers fitted in them.
such computers are made of machanical parts as well as electronic parts. They accept data in physical form , perform scientific operation and then represent this on a suitable indicator. analog data includes temperature, perssure, speed, distance, current, voltageetc.
these computers have feature of both analog and digital computers, These computers are generally used for scientific application and in industrial control processor. Hybrid computer are also used in missiles, spaceships and military weapons.
Computer consists of electronic circuits, prined circuits and integrated circuits. these are very fast and consume very little energy. For example digital watches, Calculaters, computer etc. these computers are of the following two types.
a) General Purpose computers.
b) Special Purpose computers.
a.General Purpose Computers:
Such Computers can perform a variet of different functions such as typing a latter . file managemant, data-base-managemant, payroll processing, graphics etc. Personal computer (PC) is a general purpose computer.
b. Special Purpose Computers:
These computers are designed to carry out one specific task. Such computers were not used for other purpose except for the designed one. for example watches, Cameras, TVs and VCRs have such types of computers fitted in them.
such computers are made of machanical parts as well as electronic parts. They accept data in physical form , perform scientific operation and then represent this on a suitable indicator. analog data includes temperature, perssure, speed, distance, current, voltageetc.
these computers have feature of both analog and digital computers, These computers are generally used for scientific application and in industrial control processor. Hybrid computer are also used in missiles, spaceships and military weapons.
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